Woodson Chapel Christian Church

What to Expect
We are a small church with about 50 regular attenders in worship.
We are a pretty diverse congregation, people from all walks of life worship with us.
You'll see people in suits and dresses next to people in basketball shorts and tennis shoes.
Our worship is much like any other, we blend the rich hymns of the faith with 21st century worship music in each service.
The Lord’s Supper, or communion, is celebrated in weekly worship. All who believe in Jesus Christ are welcome at His table.
Sermons are Bible based, and designed to help each of us apply the texts to our lives.

Click above for more information about Woodson Chapel's staff.
Click above for more information about exactly what we believe.
Click above for some sermon recordings. They should give you a feel for our services.
If You're Not a Christian
We aren't foolish enough to think that the only people who will ever see this website are Christians. There is a page on this website that spells out exactly What We Believe, and you're free to check that out, but let us summarize.
We believe that God's love for each of us is so great that it chases after us and is woven into the fabric of creation itself. God loves you so much that he sent Jesus to die for you, so that you can be free from doubt, free from worry, free from sin and free from death. This is a love that is irrestible, and our deepest desire is to help you find that love for yourself.